Минасян Рафаэль Сергеевич

кандидат исторических наук

Заведующий Сектором лесной и лесостепной зоны Евразии Отдела археологии Эрмитажа.

Ист.: Scripta antique. Вопросы древней истории, филологии, искусства и материальной культуры: альманах. Том V. 2016. Москва: Собрание, 2016.


Древние способы изготовления изделий с рельефными изображениями

Scripta antique. Вопросы древней истории, филологии, искусства и материальной культуры. Том V. 2016. Москва: Собрание, 2016. С. 279–292.

В статье говорится о древних способах изготовления рельефных изображений на пластинчатых предметах и о формообразовании полых предметов с помощью матриц методами холодной обработки металлов.


Gold, silver and bronze objects of Classical times, found in Asiativ Bosporos, now kept in the State Hermitage, were made by various means of molding and cold processing. Technics of production of ancient pieces are often described in the archaeological or arts studies, but mistakes are often made or those ways are mentioned which were never used. In most cases the mistakes are made due to misunderstanding of specific features of operations and functional purpose of the instruments, used for deformation of the sheet metal in formation of the relief images. Archaeological and arts studies show that the researchers have no fixed idea of how these objects have been done in different regions of Europe and Asia.

A small group of objects of the Bronze Age and Classical antiquity is considered in this article. The ways of their production and instruments are fixed basing on the production traces on the hollow pieces during their formation. One needs to take into consideration that the objects made in the ways as those, reviewed in the given article or in similar ways, are kept in many museums of the world.

Золотая маска «Рескупорида»